We build products people love.

We develop and design products for some of the most exciting companies out there. Our methodology is built upon the experience of veterans in the global startup ecosystem. These people built companies from the ground up and took major part in developing and designing some of the best products in the market.
We strive to be the absolute best in what we do. Together with a diverse team of developers, designers, mobile developers and DevOps engineers, our team provides best-in-class solutions for all your product development needs.
Dorian Copitt
Chief Executive Officer
An entrepreneur and businessman with a lot of experience managing successful ventures. Dorian has extensive food and hospitality experience, being the founder and CEO of Supreme Group, a holding company established in 2019 that owns and partners in 14 food and technology companies
Dor Kleiman
Managing Director
A seasoned software architect with more than 20 years of experience working with small and large companies. Dor’s main drive is to create the optimal software development cycle that combines quality, agility, and speed without compromising on any of them.
Itay Turgeman
CTO & Head of Training
Itay brings a wealth of development experience from working at both medium and large companies. He comes with a strong background in building and leading developer teams, having served as both a team leader and a technical lead.
Motti Dadison
VP of Cloud Engineering
Motti is a seasoned tech leader with extensive experience managing teams of DevOps, SecOps, and IT engineers. With over 20 years of industry experience, his prowess in architecture and his capacity to manage enables him to oversee efficient, successful end-to-end projects.
Itamar Cohen
Head of UX/UI
Itamar is an accomplished UX/UI designer with expertise in creating intuitive and efficient digital interfaces that meet both user needs and business goals. He has led transformative design projects across various sectors. Itamar is committed to pushing the boundaries of digital innovation
ORily Shefler
Head of Cloud Development
Orily is our Head of Cloud Development, excelling in guiding software projects and coordinating global teams. With a decade of leadership, her expertise in online software initiatives and efficiency optimization makes her a key asset in our company's growth. Her positive attitude and teamwork drive our success in the digital landscape.
Yan Kotliarsky
Chief Marketing Officer
Danielle Ulitski
Tech Lead
Idan Golshan
Software Engineer
Boaz Alkon
Software Engineer
Niv Ezra
DevOps Engineer
Juliet Gavison
Software Engineer
Stas Tarasenko
Software Engineer
Meri Segal
Software Engineer
Moshe Ben Haim
Software Engineer
Yossi Adler
Software Engineer
Ofer Wolfheim
Head of NFT
Aviad Yitzhaki
Head of Operations

Don't fly solo.

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